IN201921052330A 审中 可伸缩的遮阳板,用于阻挡来自车辆挡风玻璃中心部分的阳光
CLAIMS: We claim,
1. Evaluation of the performance of pre-trained CNN based DL model as feature
extractors towards classifying the parasitized and uninfected cells to aid in
improve disease training;
a. Presentation of comparative analysis of performance of customized and pre-
trained DL models as feature extractors toward classifying parasitized and
b. Cross validating the performance of predictive models at the patient level to
reduce bias and generalization errors,
c. Analysis and selection of optimal layers in pre-trained models to extract
features from underlying data and testing for the presence/absence of
statistically significant difference in performance of customized and pre-
trained CNN models under study.
2. Use of machine learning algorithms such as CNN and k-NN as claimed in 1 for classifying the cells.
3. Comparative analysis of DL models by CNN and k-NN as claimed in claim 1.
4. The system provides accuracy obtained from CNN and k-NN as claimed in claim 1 and 3.
5. Comparative analysis of the accuracy obtained from the algorithms as claimed in claim 1 and 4.
