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Graphene Patent Technology: Which Country Leads in Quantity?

智慧芽 | 2023-05-08 |

Graphene Patent Technology: Which Country Leads in Quantity?

  Graphene is a revolutionary material in the field of materials science and engineering. It’s a wonder material that is strong, lightweight, and conductive, with the potential to transform industry and technology as we know it. As a result, nations have been racing to take the lead in graphene research, development, and commercialization. One of the measures of a country's leadership in graphene technology is the number of graphene-related patents it owns.

  So, which country leads in the quantity of graphene patent technology? According to a report published in March 2021 by PatentSight, the United States tops the list with 1977 patents related to graphene technology. China follows closely with 1751 patents, and South Korea is third with 878 patents.

  The report also indicates that the United States has a higher average quality score of patents, which signifies the value and effectiveness of the patent. Japan is ranked fourth with 862 graphene-related patents, followed by Germany with 471 patents, and the United Kingdom with 352 patents.

  Graphene patent technology ownership reflects the level of research, development, and innovation carried out by these countries. It also indicates the level of investment in graphene research and development by governments and industry leaders.

  China has been steadily expanding its investment in graphene research and development; hence it's not surprising to see it among the leaders in graphene patent technology. In 2018, the Chinese government announced its plan to construct the world's largest graphene production base in Tianjin, which shows its commitment to graphene technology.

  The United States' leadership position in graphene patent technology is due to its top universities and research institutions, such as MIT, Harvard, Stanford University, and the University of California. These institutions have been at the forefront of graphene research, and their contributions have led to numerous patents.

  In conclusion, the United States is the leading country in the quantity and quality of graphene patent technology, followed closely by China and South Korea. However, graphene's potential is far from realized, and more research is required on this material. Hence, it's crucial for governments and industry leaders to continue investing in graphene research and development to reap its full potential.







