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A Comprehensive Review of Battery Technologies: Focus on Lead-Acid Batteries

智慧芽 | 2023-05-07 |

A Comprehensive Review of Battery Technologies: Focus on Lead-Acid Batteries


  Recently, the global demand for energy storage systems has been rising. Batteries play a vital role in energy storage systems, which are used to power a wide range of applications. One of the most widely used and cost-effective battery technologies is lead-acid batteries. This article provides a comprehensive review of lead-acid batteries, including their history, working principles, properties, and applications.

  History of Lead-Acid Batteries

  The lead-acid battery was invented by the French physicist Gaston Planté in 1859. Since then, it has become the most commonly used battery in the world. Automobiles, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), telecommunications, and renewable energy systems are just a few examples of the many applications that use lead-acid batteries.

  Working Principles of Lead-Acid Batteries

  Lead-acid batteries work based on the electrochemical reactions between lead and lead oxide. The battery consists of two electrodes, namely the positive electrode, which is made from lead dioxide, and the negative electrode, which is made from sponge lead. These electrodes are immersed in an electrolyte, which is a dilute solution of sulfuric acid that facilitates the chemical reactions.

  When the battery is charged, electrical energy is converted into chemical energy, causing the lead dioxide to react with the sulfuric acid to form lead sulfate and water, while the sponge lead reacts with the sulfuric acid to form lead sulfate and hydrogen:

  PbO2 + H2SO4 + 2H+ + 2e- → PbSO4 + 2H2O

  Pb + PbO2 + 2H2SO4 → 2PbSO4 + 2H2O

  When the battery is discharged, the opposite reactions occur, and electrical energy is released.

  Properties of Lead-Acid Batteries

  The most crucial property of lead-acid batteries is their energy density, which is the amount of energy that can be stored per unit mass or volume of the battery. Lead-acid batteries have a low energy density compared to other battery technologies, which limits their use in applications where weight and space are critical factors.

  Another critical property of lead-acid batteries is their environmental impact. Lead-acid batteries contain lead, which is a toxic substance that can harm the environment if not managed appropriately.

  Applications of Lead-Acid Batteries

  Lead-acid batteries are used in various applications, including:

  - Automobiles: Lead-acid batteries power the starter motor, engine control systems, and other electrical systems in cars, trucks, and other vehicles.

  - Telecommunications: Lead-acid batteries are used in base station backup power systems for wireless communication networks.

  - Electric power utilities: Lead-acid batteries provide backup power for grid stabilization, load shifting, and deferral of capital expenditures.


  Lead-acid batteries remain the most frequently used battery technology globally, and they are mainly preferred for their low cost and high reliability. Despite their small energy density and environmental concerns, they are widely used in many applications worldwide. Future research should explore ways to improve their energy density and reduce their environmental impact.


